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Data News: 
Mercoledì, 30 Dicembre, 2020

Call for articles: WFOT Bulletin April 2021: Occupational therapy response to COVID-19.

Deadline for theme manuscripts: 30 December 2020.

The effects of COVID-19 are being felt all over the world and are impacting occupational therapy service provision. More than ever, occupational therapists come to the fore with occupation based interventions and education. The Bulletin dedicates this coming issue Vol 77 - 1 (April 2021) to occupational therapy innovative approaches for people affected by COVID-19, their caregivers and families.

The WFOT Bulletin offers the opportunity for you to share your research and practice experience on aspects relevant to COVID-19 and occupational therapy


Call for articles: WFOT Bulletin October 2021: Healthy Children.

Deadline for theme manuscripts: 15 February 2021.

Child health is a state of physical, mental, intellectual, social and emotional well-being. Healthy children live in families, environments, and communities that provide them with the opportunity to reach their fullest developmental potential.

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